Saturday, August 03, 2013

It's Seventh Heaven!

When faced with the birthday party question, it only took a few minutes for Brody to decide that he wanted a roller skating party for his birthday this year! And since we aim to please (and with this being one of the easiest parties to organize!) we said yes! Brody attended his first roller skating birthday party for a classmate just a few months ago, and he had such a blast that he immediately told us then and there that he would like one of the same. Now, usually I love planning parties right down to the littlest details, but with three birthdays within eight weeks of each other, I can only do so much. So I was very happy to turn this one over to the roller rink, and they did not disappoint one bit! The service was excellent, and they provided everything from pizza and ice cream to glow sticks and treat bags for each kid. We literally walked in with ourselves and the cake, and they took care of the rest. I think everyone had a blast, and I would recommend the Roller Garden for anyone who is looking for a fun and very easy party to plan.

I did get to be a little creative with the invitations. I found these adorable printable invites on Etsy and used their directions for making lanyards that the kids could wear at the party. Almost everyone showed up that day wearing their lanyard, so it was easy to see who was part of the group!

The cake was the only thing we had to bring the day of the party. I sort of felt bad for not making a cake or cupcakes myself, but Brody was thrilled to pick out this Batman cake from Byerly's!

Skating, arcade games, pizza, cake and ice cream...what more could a 7 year-old want? I am pretty sure Brody was very pleased and thankful for his party, especially since he's been telling me every night for the past week!
brody and in crime!
callan's first time on roller skates...i was worried about him running all over the place during the party, but strap these babies on and he can't go very fast. they were the perfect babysitter!
little brothers getting a little help from daddy
brody and sven
in line for the limbo--luke, andy, sven, brody, vincent, and colin
chow time! vincent, colin, alex, & callan
happy pants leyton
time for cake! I hope vincent didn't mind that I was pressing baby sister in the back of his head!

Cheers to turning 7!!

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