Sunday, August 04, 2013

Birthday Wishes for Brody

Dear Brody,

Holy Moly! Put on the brakes! There is no possible way I have a 7 year-old, is there? Indeed, it is true. You turned the big SEVEN today, and your mama is in denial. I can't begin to imagine that I'm old enough to actually have a 7 year-old, but even more than that, I see how fast you are growing and I realize that time really does fly and before we know it, you'll be grown and gone. You like to tell me that you will always live wherever we live, and I would like to believe that is true, but only time will tell where your dreams take you.

So what's it like to have a 7 year-old? Well, it's pretty great actually! You are helpful, independent, creative, and responsible. I don't have to ask you to eat your veggies or brush your teeth. You are more than willing to help out with your brothers, and you entertain us with your stories of being a hockey player/inventor some day. I love to hear about the gadgets you are interested in creating to help us all in the future! You can play great alone, but you also enjoy the company of your brothers when they are doing what you want them to do. :) Sometimes you guys will work together nicely building legos, playing knights, or building a zoo or town in the basement. Other times, I have to rip you apart so that you guys don't severely injure each other! It's great to watch your relationship continue to develop with your brothers. You are definitely the boss, the leader of the pack.  

With me, you love to play board games, but you are very competitive! Our favorites are Sequence, Spot It, Trouble, and our newest one, Monopoly. You also still love to read with me every night before bed, and I really hope this lasts for a good while. You have been introduced to the Elephant and Piggie series, and we both crack up when you read them aloud. You have also gotten bitten by the video game bug this past year, and we bought our first game system, Wii U. The great thing is that you are only allowed to play Wii on the weekends, so it works perfectly for us. Skylanders have been a huge hit this year, and you love to trade figures with your friends to make new adventures. When it comes to sports, hockey and soccer are still at the top of the list. You have improved tremendously over the past year, and it is fun to watch you get out there and try your best at every game. 

Being seven also brings with it a little sassiness! Try as you might to use it to your advantage, we pretty much always end up showing you who's the boss around here, and let me tell you, the boss doesn't start with B-R-O-D-Y! Being the firstborn means you are always introducing us to new things, both good and bad. :) But, we are happy that you are strong-willed and like to assert your opinions. As they say, this will serve you well later in life! :)

For your seventh birthday, we decided it was time to let you try having a pet. You have been begging us all summer for a fish, turtle, or lizard. It was actually Daddy's idea to give you a fish, and I think you were extremely surprised and totally stoked that it actually happened! We have set up a cute little aquarium in your room where Spike and his sidekick Shelly (the snail) are living happily.

you are thrilled...leyton, not so sure about this
To celebrate your big day (after your party the day before,) we took you out to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. We enjoyed a beautiful day on the patio and indulged in some fabulous treats. You got a surprise ice cream with a candle, but we also tried the new S'more's cheesecake. Oh my word, was that good!

I hope your birthday was a day to remember! We are so blessed to get to share in these moments with you, and we can't wait to see what's waiting for us as we near the even bigger 8!


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