Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Summer's Here!

...too bad it doesn't feel like it! I try, really try, to not let the weather get the best of me because I know it is something I have no control over. But really, after 7 months of cold and snow, I am so ready for warm weather and sunshine that I can hardly stand it. Instead, all we seem to be getting are chilly days and downpours nearly every day. This mama and her boys just want to be outside already! I need some major Vitamin D, not to mention exercise from all the walking I tend to do in the summer. I vow, even though I will be 7 and 8 months pregnant during the dog days of summer, that I will not utter one complaint about the heat. Please, Mother Nature, end this curse you have put over us and give us some warmth. At this point, we're already counting down the days until the snow returns!!

Ok, I needed to get that off my chest, and now I can move on with life. Although Brody still has one more day of kindergarten to go, the little dudes have been out for over a week now. We've already jumped right into summer fun, with trips to Edinborough, Como Zoo, the Children's Museum, and Lake Harriet. I've also been excited to throw in some crafty activities and science experiments, so last week we made Kool-Aid Playdough when Brody came home from school. It was a huge hit, is very soft, smells yummy, and so far is keeping well in the refrigerator. The boys take it out nearly every day for a little hands-on fun!

Last year during summer vacation, we tackled our Summer Bucket List, and that was a LOT of fun! However, it was a bit stressful to try to get to every single activity on the list, so I decided to try something new this year. I have been busily pinning fun crafts and science experiments on Pinterest that  I thought might be neat, but I was unsure of the work I would be getting myself into trying to plan which activities to do, what materials I needed, and preparing everything in advance. Enter Christian Mama's Guide Blog. I love it when someone else does the work and I can reap the benefits, and that is exactly what happened here. This mama is doing a full summer of Pinterest projects for her kiddos, five new activities each week based on themes that she comes up with. She blogs about each of the activities, and even better, she gives you a shopping list for everything you will need for the entire week so that you can shop the week before and then get to work! I am so excited to start our Pin-tastic Summer next week! Today, we headed out to Target, our one-stop shop, and bought the things on the list for Week 1. We are all set to make Fizzy Color Art, Monster Goo, Fairy Jars, etc., and I can't wait to post all about it!

Cheers to summertime!

1 comment:

Erin MacPherson said...

Thanks so much for the shout-out here! I love your blog and I LOVE your kids making monster goo!