Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Aunt Ally Visits!

We were so lucky to get a quick visit from Aunt Allyson, all the way from Texas and just before she starts medical school! We hadn't seen Aunt Allyson in ages, truly. It was Christmas 2011 when we last drove to Texas for a visit, and that was the last time we spent any time with her. So this visit was long overdue and very exciting for all of us! It was so great to catch up and hear all about her exciting last days of college and new adventures that await her at med school. We spent more time playing than taking pictures while she was here, so here are the only ones I've got! :) Thanks for coming to see us, Aunt Ally!

lunch at edina grill--this one was a keeper since aunt allyson managed to get all three to smile and look at the camera!
s'mores in the backyard...mmm!
I joked that she was the only one who paid attention to dad's teachings while we were growing up as she knew exactly how to build the perfect fire!

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