Monday, September 30, 2013

Coming Home

Bright and early Monday morning, the hospital kicked us to the curb. :) Our nice little 48 hour stay in the peace and quiet had come to an end, and we were deemed well enough to go home. However, we were sent home with orders to visit the pediatrician's office the next day.  Emmeline had bilirubin levels that were in the intermediate risk category (meaning she was one step away from needing light therapy for jaundice) and she had gone down to 8 lbs, 1 oz, which was a decrease in birth weight of about 10%, which the docs don't like to see. Despite those small concerns, we were excited to get home and get into our new normal.
all snuggled in for the ride home
Oma and Daddy came to pick us up from the hospital after dropping off the boys at school. We stopped at Glam Doll donuts for some treats on the way to celebrate our own little glam doll. Can you tell I've had a thing for donuts lately? :)

We spent the afternoon cuddling with our girl...

How could you not just want to hold her all day? :)

(And just for the record, the pediatrician took one look at Emmeline the next day and declared that she was perfect. Not only was she miraculously back up to 8 lbs, 5 oz, but he said she didn't look a bit yellow and there was no reason to test her bilirubin levels again. So we were sent home with orders to keep doing what we were doing! I actually don't believe for a second that her weight had gone down as low as they said at the hospital. There is really no way of knowing for sure unless you use the same scale each time, which they didn't, and the next day she weighed 8 lbs, 5 oz, which means she would have gained 4 ounces in a day?! Anyway, much ado about nothing--we'll take it!)

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