Monday, September 28, 2015

Emmeline Turns Two!

My sweet baby girl turns 2 today! I can't even believe it, nor do I want to believe it. Man, that went way too fast. What a little joy she is to all of us. :)

I feel horrible that we didn't give her a party this year. I was so anti-birthday party and the only excuse I have is that we have just been so busy with moving and the start of school and constant activities. Plus, I think birthdays in September are just hard in general. New friends are made with the start of school, but then it seems weird to invite them right away to a birthday party when you don't really know them yet. And anyway, she's 2! She doesn't even really have friends yet! So then it would just be a bunch of moms from ECFE that I don't know with their little ones, and I just wasn't up for it. Emmeline, when you read this one day, please know that Mommy loves you so much and your 3 year party will be a smash! :)

Callan and I tried to buy her some super fancy cupcakes from Sweet Retreat, but they are CLOSED on Mondays. :( So we ended up getting some cute cupcakes from Yum instead. Not quite the pink girly ones I had envisioned but that's what you get when you wait until the last minute. When we got home, I went searching for birthday candles and could only find red spiderman candles in my stash. So I quickly grabbed some silver glitter and covered spidey's face so they looked sparkly and festive. Emme loved them and her cake! (Poor Baby Girl. One day she'll realize that things are different and often forgotten for the fourth child. I hope she doesn't hate me.)

That face looks pretty joyful if you ask me, so I think we did good.

We certainly made up for it with the birthday gift. Emme got a kid-size double Bugaboo stroller look-a-like. She was in heaven! This girl is all about her babies these days. She has been having so much fun taking her new twin babies (thanks Auntie Kelli and family!) on walks around the neighborhood (after she asks me to help her dress them in their new outfits--thanks Grandaddy & Grandma!)

Look at her go! This is so much fun for me, and even the boys have been having a grand time playing babies all this week.

Happy happy birthday sweet Emmeline!

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