Saturday, August 01, 2015

Farewell, Elijah King of Smiths

We said goodbye to our sweet bully today, Elijah King of Smiths. He was a loyal friend to us and will be greatly missed. We have lots of fun memories to get us through, but wow, is it hard to say goodbye to a beloved pet. Things had gotten a little more challenging recently with his old age, but I was still surprised at how difficult it would be to make the decision to let him go. We are thankful for the nearly twelve years of companionship he gave us.

Brad took him to the vet this afternoon while Emme was taking a nap. She had no idea when she woke up that he was gone. At one point, I was sitting on the kitchen floor in tears and she walked up to give me a hug. She started saying, "Lijah broken mama. Lijah broken." It was unbelievable except that it really happened. I am convinced little ones know things that we don't. Remarkable.

As Brad drove away with him in the car and I sat outside waiting for his return, I saw a tiger swallowtail butterfly fluttering all around me. I know that many people say butterflies remind them of loved ones they have lost. I will hold tight to that and think of Elijah everytime I see a tiger swallowtail butterfly from now on. Rest in peace, buddy.

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