Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Stuck in the Polar Vortex

You know, this is my ninth winter here in Minnesota. I know--9!! Crazy! Although I absolutely hate being cold and start feeling anxious about winter right around October, I feel like I have been a really good sport for the most part and have definitely done the best I can to embrace the winters here and make it through one snowy and cold day at a time. That all changed when the Polar Vortex arrived! With temperatures in the -20's and winchills up to -40+, winter in Minnesota gained a whole new meaning!

I really had no idea that schools would actually close due to severely cold temperatures. And don't get me wrong, I am happy that they did so as not to put any child at risk. But I was definitely not banking on having four "extra" days of being shut in my house with all four kids just after a long holiday break (plus MLK day off and a teacher work day!) I adore my children, feel so very blessed to be with them at home, but every mama needs an occasional break. Unfortunately, the days that seemed to be the coldest were the days that I usually get that break! Ah, such is life, and we made the best of it! Long, lazy pj days and lots of indoor activities helped us pass the time and have fun together while waiting for this polar vortex to vortex its way to a different pole!

Here are some of the fun things we did...

Breakfast in bed! Leyton was fighting quite a cold that day and fell asleep for a long nap right after this pic was taken.

We completed MANY lego quests. These are really fun, and the boys (especially Brody) asked to complete one after another. The basic idea is that you are given a task, such as "construct a historical building" or "make something using only one color," and you can use any legos you want.  Here's the link I used to find the quests. Super fun!

your favorite book--Captain Underpants

Big brothers and baby sisters went bowling at Pinstripes. I love how the baby sisters don't look nearly as excited about bowling as their brothers!
skylar, roman, emmeline, and brody

We made a tape town from a kit Callan received for his birthday. This activity kept them all busy for 2 1/2 hours! I would highly recommend this as a birthday gift!

Oma sent us this snowman pan and decorations, so we had fun baking a tasty treat! Yum!

We made birdseed cakes to hang outside in the trees. All it takes is birdseed, gelatin, and a few cookie cutters. I hope the birds enjoy them and that our crazy squirrels are still in hibernation and stay away!

We brought snow indoors! A big tub of snow, spoons, scoops and other kitchen gadgets and you have an instant indoor winter activity. Be sure to wear mittens so your hands don't get too cold!

We played pirates of the deep in green water! My kids still love to dye their bath water with food coloring and they love to play in the bathtub for a good long while, so I use that activity whenever I need a little something to keep them busy.

Maybe the Polar Vortex isn't that bad! Wait, I didn't say that! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a super cute picture I display in my home in one of my large hi res digital picture displays! The picture is absolutely adorable and I love showing it off. Everyone who sees it absolutely loves it!