Sunday, July 21, 2013

Summer Camping 2013

We joined the Hokanson and Dahm families for a little camping weekend at Baker Park. The weather was absolutely gorgeous on Saturday, and it was definitely the best day camping that we've had in a couple of years. Sunny but not too hot and hardly any bugs is all you can ask for when you're living outdoors! The kids loved being outside and played together so well in the grassy field behind our tents. We had a little time in the afternoon to head down to the beach and play in the water/sand. FUN!

i didn't really take any pictures of the actual camping part, but leyton insisted that I snap a pic of his very cute sand castle! he spent a good long while collecting all that moss to place around it!

Later that evening, Patty and Pete treated us to a delicious camping feast, followed by yummy s'mores and time by the campfire.  Unfortunately, it started raining bright and early the next morning, forcing us all to pack up a little earlier than we had hoped. It was well worth the rain, though, for what was the best camping trip we've had since 2010!

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