Wednesday, July 10, 2013

On the Road Again

Time to make the 22+ hour trip back to Minneapolis from Florida. We took a completely different route heading back that actually saved us about two hours in total driving time. That was great, but the best part was stopping in Nashville and staying at the Opryland Resort. What a beautiful place! Even though we were only there for one short night, we made the most of it and tried to explore much of what the resort had to offer.
this was as close as we got to a live music show ;)
We grabbed a really yummy pizza from one of the many eateries in the resort and then sat by this beautiful fountain.  Each evening there is a water show set to music (kind of like the Bellagio in Vegas on a much smaller scale) so we sat and watched the show for as long as we could before the boys just had to get closer!

They had so much fun! I think it was both being out of the car (FINALLY!) and just the excitement of a new place. After the water show, we explored some more before taking a late night dip in the outdoor pool. Then it was off to bed and back to Minneapolis the next day! I think we all hope we can make it back to Nashville one day for even more exploring and fun!

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